Awards Cerimony 2022
May 21st 2022 at 5.00 p.m.
the Award Ceremony of the seventh edition of Evo IOOC Italy 2022 will be held in the spectacular Piazza d’Armi of Castello di Baia, with a splendid view of the Gulf of Naples.
The castle, built between 1490 and 1493 by the Aragonese, dominates the summit of the promontory. The walls of the Castle enclose the remains of a grandiose Roman villa that stretches...

Olio in Fabula
May 20th 2022
Food education events dedicated to primary school students in Monte di Procida.
The aim of the workshop is to educate the new generations to a healthy, sustainable diet, guaranteeing the conservation of biodiversity, olive lands and its inhabitants.
OLIO IN FABULA aims to make participants more aware of the value of extra virgin olive oils, so that they increase their...

EVO IOOC Italy Academy
May 20th 2022 4.00 p.m.
Technical conference reserved for chefs and restaurateurs.
An exclusive event on the introduction to the tasting of olive oils at Cala Moresca Resort in Bacoli The training event (on invitation) will focus on the importance of using high-quality extra virgin olive oil in the kitchen.
Free event reserved for a maximum of 30 guests.
You need to register by sending an...

May 20th and May 21st, 2022
Evo IOOC seminars at the Aragonese Castle of Baia
via Castello, 39 – 80070 Bacoli (Naples – Italy)
May 20th 2022 from 3.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Trademark Registration!
It’s not always as smooth as oil!
Alessandra Tedesco, Head of Trademarks at Barzanò & Zanardo Intellectual Property Strategic Consulting
20th May 2022 from...

Discovery and taste
May 19th 2022 at 5.00 p.m.
Do you want to taste with us some Evo oils from Evo IOOC Italy 2022?
A tasting event reserved for producers, experts or simple lovers of extra virgin olive oil, in the wonderful Shell room of the Nabilah Exclusive Beach Club in Bacoli.
A meeting with the judges of Evo IOOC Italy for a guided blind tasting of some EVO oils competing in the contest. Tastings,...

EVO IOOC Guide Buyers Edition: 5th edition of our Guide.
The EVO IOOC Italy 2021 competition have just been completed, and the “traditional” one is now on the market, as this is the fifth edition, an innovative publishing project carried out by the expert Antonio G. Lauro for EVO IOOC Italy. A guide, essential in its content and increasingly appreciated by the world of buyers, and at the same time very popular and requested by consumers and...

10 pleasant sensations of high-quality EVOO
After more than twenty years dedicated to sensory analysis of virgin olive oils and spent tasting the excellence of olive oil from both “our” northern hemisphere, as from the “new” southern hemisphere, I try to answer a question asked by a young “colleague” little more than eleven years old.
The question is intriguing: “Antonio, tell me in a few words what are the 10 most beautiful...

10 good reasons to join an International Olive Oil Contest
In the last few years, the number of countries successfully entering in the high quality EVOO market is increasing more and more, year after year. The latest figures bring the total number of countries where the olive tree is now familiar to 65. It comes as no surprise that countries such as China, India, South (and North) America have turned into EVO Oil producing countries. On the other...

Do you want to taste some EVOO with me?
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Master Class with Antonio G. Lauro
New date in 2021 of the event organized as part of the international contest EVO IOOC Italy.

EVO IOOC Guide Buyers Edition 2020/2021
The operations of the fifth edition of the EVO IOOC have just ended, and the “traditional” guide is now on the market. This is the fourth edition of an innovative publishing project created by the expert Antonio G. Lauro for EVO IOOC.
An essential guide in terms of contents and increasingly appreciated by the world of buyers, and at the same time very appreciated and requested...