The EVOO and its producer: Isabella Cristiano.
Close-up on Tenute Cristiano (Calabria, Italy), Special Award Best of Regione Calabria in the EVO IOOC Italy 2023.

The EVOO and its producer: Glenda Haas
Reflectors are on Lagar H Agroindústria Company of Glenda Haas (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), Best of South America – Raul C. Castellani, the reigning champion in the EVO IOOC Italy 2023.

The EVOO and its producer: Pelin Delimollaoğlu.
Close-up on Borlu Tarım (Köprübaşı, Turkey), the reigning Best of Country in the EVO IOOC Italy 2023.

The EVOO and its producer: Almazara Artal.
Close-up on Almazara Artal (Bajo Aragón, Spain), Special Award Almendrados Dulces of the DOP Aceite del Bajo Aragon, the reigning EVO IOOC Italy 2023.

The EVOO and its producer: Mohamed Ali Kotti.
Close-up on Olea Kotti (Sousse, Tunisia), the reigning Best of Country in the EVO IOOC Italy 2023.

The EVOO and its producer: the Galvez-Gonzáles family.
Close-up on the company Aceites Oro Bailén Galgón 99 S.L.U. (Andalucia, Spain), the reigning Best of Country in the EVO IOOC Italy 2023.

The EVOO and its producer: Kibbutz Magal
Today the spotlight is on Kibbutz Magal – Masik (Ha Zafon, Israel), the reigning Best of Country in the EVO IOOC Italy 2023.

The EVOO and its producer: Antonio and Francisco Ataíde Pavão.
Close-up on Trás-os-Montes Prime Lda (Trás-os-Montes, Portugal), the reigning Best of Country in the EVO IOOC Italy 2023.

The EVOO and its producer: Silvia and Giuseppe Di Vincenzo.
Close-up on the MANDRANOVA Agricultural Company (Sicily, Italy), the reigning Best of Country in the EVO IOOC Italy 2023.

The EVOO and its producer: Bia Pereira and Bob Vieira da Costa.
In-depth focus on Azeite Sabiá (Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo, Brazil), the reigning Best of Country in the EVO IOOC Italy 2023.